106學年度開課 : 微尺度操控技術
課程名稱:微尺度操控技術 Manipulation of micro-scale objects using microfluidics
時間:每周三 第二至第四堂課 (AM 9:00- 12:00)
課程除一般 (1)課堂講授之外,另有 (2)分析工具製作的實驗課,並依照條件設計與規劃一微流體元件,(3)學生亦必須閱讀一篇國際論文,簡報其內容後,進行優劣分析。
This is a basic course on microdevice/microfluidics at the senior undergraduate and post-graduate level. It covers fundamentals of micro-scale flows and microfabrication. The fundamentals of fluid flows at micro-scale including intermolecular forces, low Re flows, slip theory, capillary flows and electrokinetics are discussed. The principles of microfabrication with silicon and polymer substrates are illustrated. Theory and design of various microfluidic components including micropumps, micromixers, microvalves etc is discussed. Few applications of microfluidic systems are also covered. The course also includes design of microfluidic components and few applications of microfluidic systems. A device design project and analysis are applied to students.